Notepad notes (ccc) by social guide




Notepad is a basic text editor that you can use to create simple documents. The most common use for Notepad is to view or edit text (.txt) files, but many users find Notepad a simple tool for creating Web pages. The extension of note pad is .txt.

You can save your Notepad files as Unicode, ANSI, UTF-8, or big-endian Unicode. These formats provide you greater flexibility when working with documents that use different character sets.

There are some menu and toolbars are also available.

                        File menu

New:-this option is used for create a new text document

Ø Steps:-click on file menu

Ø Select new option

Or Press ctrl+N key from the key board

Open:-it is used for open your document which you have saved.

Ø Steps:- click on file menu

Ø Select open option

Ø  A dialog box will be displayed

Ø  Select your file

Ø  Click on open button

Or press ctrl+O key from the keyboard

Save: - it is used for save your file in the current directory.

Ø Steps:- click on file menu

Ø Select save option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type your file name

Ø Click on save button

Or press ctrl+S from the keyboard.


Save as: - it is used for save your file with different name.

Ø Steps:- .click on file menu

Ø Select save as option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type your file name (new name )

Ø Click on save button.


Page setup: - it is used to set the page margin from left right top and bottom.


Print: - it is used for print your file on the paper.


                           Edit menu


Undo: - it is used to reverse last performed action.

Ø Steps:-Click on edit menu

Ø Select undo option

    Or press ctrl+Z from the keyboard.


Cut: - it is used for cut the selected text

Ø steps:-select the text or sentence

Ø click on edit menu

Ø select cut option

Or press ctrl+X from the keyboard.


Copy: - it is used for copy the selected text or sentence.

Ø steps:-select the text or sentence

Ø click on edit menu

Ø select copy option or

Ø press ctrl+c from the keyboard


Paste:-it is used for paste the cut/copied text or sentence.

Ø Steps:-cut/copy the text or sentence

Ø click on edit menu

Ø select paste option

Or press ctrl+v from the keyboard.


Delete:-it is used to clear the selected text or sentence.


Find: - it is used to find any particular text / word / sentence

Ø Steps:-Click on edit menu

Ø Select find option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type the word in finds what box

Ø Click on find next button as your requirement .


Replace: - it is used to replace any particular text/word/sentence with any new text /word/sentence

Ø Steps:-click on edit menu

Ø Select replace option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type the word in find what box which you want to replace

Ø In replace with box type the replacement word

Ø Click on replace or replace all buttons.


Select all:-it is used to select all contents of your page.

Ø Steps:-click on edit menu

Ø Click on select all option

Or press ctrl+A from the keyboard.


Time/date: - it is used to insert the date and time in your page.

Press F5 from the keyboard.


                      Format menu


Word-wrap: - it is used to break the line automatically from the end of window.


Font: - it is used for format your text by different font name and size.




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