MS Word notes (ccc) by social guide


                                    MS Word


Microsoft office: - it is the group of applications, it is used to edit, cut format and print the part of the file and text based document as well as making letters and presentation using spread sheet and presentation programs and data base handling and manipulating of records is done through ms access like relational data base management system and other group of applications are also used according to the users choice.


Ms Word:-It is a group of tools that is used for word processing based working. the term word processing is recognized as text based formatting, editing and printing, ms word provide the feature of creating the letter, application invoice and publication related materials like book- composing, page layout making table and the use of mail merge make it powerful by creating one letter and generate it’s copy to different people in different places by the help of table like other application of ms word..; the extension of ms word file is .doc or .docx


Sortcut method to  start ms word:-

Ø Press window+R to open RUN

Ø Then type WinWord into the dialog box.

Ø Click on ok button


Office button


New: - this option is used for create a new document

·      Press ctrl+ O key from the key board.


Open:-it is used for open your document which is saved in the computer’s memory.

·      Press ctrl+ O key from the keyboard.


Save: - it is used for save your file in the current directory.

·      Press ctrl+ S from the keyboard.


Save as: - it is used for save your file with different name.

·      Press F12 function key from the keyboard.


Page setup: - it is used to set the margin, paper source, page size etc… of your document.


Print: - It is using for print your file on the paper with the help of printing device (printer).


Close: - This option is used to exit you from the ms word.

·       Press ctrl + W from the keyboard.


                    Home button


Cut: - it is used for cut the selected text.

§  Select the text or sentence

§  Press ctrl+X from the keyboard.


Copy: - it is used for copy the selected text or sentence.

§  Select the text or sentence.

§  Press ctrl+ C from the keyboard.


Paste:-it is used for paste the cut/copied text or sentence or it is used to paste the content of the clip board..

§  Cut/copy the text or sentence.

§  Press ctrl+ V from the keyboard.


Format painter: - it is used to copy the formatting and paste it into another text.




Font name:- this command is used to set or change the formatting of your document that will also be appeared when this document is printed on the paper.


Font size: - it is use to change the size of the selected text, you can also make the font bold, italic and underline.


Strike through: - the selected text appear with an straight line that strikes on it .for ex: - computer.


Sub scripts: - the selected character appears below from the normal base line.

The shortcut key of subscript is ctrl + =

for ex:- CO2


Super scripts: - the selected character appears above from the normal base line.

 The shortcut key of superscript is ctrl + shift + =

for ex: - H2O.


Clear formatting: - it is used to clear the formatting from the text or sentences which you have selected .


Text highlight color:-it makes the text highlighted as it is marked by the highlighter pen.


Font color: - this is used for color the selected text or sentences .


Change case: - the selected text or paragraph can be changed to different cases using change case option for ex: -UPPER CASE , lower case , Sentence case , Capital Each Word and tOGGLE cASE .


Grow font / shrink font:-it is used to increase or decrease the size of the selected text or sentence.


Bullet and numbering: - Bullet or number highlights your text from rest of the document in the listed form. You can highlight your text more efficiently. Every time when you press the enter key a bullet or a number will be added in your line.


Multilevel list:-this option is used for making the chapter and headings into your document.


Decrease and increase indents:- it is used for increase or decrease the indent of your selected paragraph.


Alignment: - it refers to the position of the text relative to the page margin ,ms word give 4 type of alignment

1.   Left alignment      - ctrl+L  

2.   Right alignment    - ctrl+R

3.   Center alignment  - ctrl+E

4.   Justify alignment  - ctrl+J


Line spacing: - you can adjust the character spaces into your paragraph by the help of these options.


Spacing: - Change the space between line.


Style: - it sets the formatting style of your file.


Change style: - it is use to change the set of style, color and font of your document.




Find: - it is used to find any particular text / word / sentence.

§  Press ctrl+F from the keyboard.


Replace: - it is used to replace any particular text / word /sentence with any new text /word/sentence

§  Press ctrl+H from the keyboard.


Select all: - it is used for select all contents from your active file.

§   Press ctrl+A from the keyboard.


                    Insert menu


Cover page:- it is used to insert a fully formatted cover page to fill the title, author, date and other information about your file .


Blank page:-it is used to insert a new blank page at the bellow of cursor position.


Page break: - it starts the next page at the current position.


Table: - it is used for insert or draws the table into the current document. Table is the collection of records that are enter related on each other and grouped together in the form of a table.


Picture: - it inserts the clipart, chart, auto shapes, picture etc... At the insertion point.




Bookmark: - it is the space on which you give a name to start it in future.


Hyperlink:(ctrl+k) - this option is used for link any file with your active file (the file can be from any application) after pressing ctrl key and click by the mouse on hyper text; it will forward you at the link part or file . 


Cross reference: - it is the reference of earlier text block that is too referred to complete the current part. By clicking over the cross reference text the cursor is located to that part which it is referred .


Header and footer: - the text block that appears either at the top or the bottom of your document is called header and footer, it repeats each and every page of your document.


Page number: - this option is used for insert the page number automatically in your document. It repeats each and every page in your document.


Text box: - it draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you clicks or selects the text. It helps you to arrange the text and graphics.


Quick parts:- it is used to insert reusable pieces of content including fields, documents property such as titles and authors or any preformatted sentence which you create .


Word art:- it is use to insert preformatted design templates to decorate the text .


Drop cap: - the first character of the paragraph is become enlarge or drop to the rest lines of the paragraph .


Equation:- it is used to insert common mathematical equation or built your own equation using a library or math symbols.


Symbol: - it is used for insert the different symbols into your document.


                Page layout menu


Themes:- it is used for change the overall design of the entire document including color, font and effect.


·       Margins:- it is used for select the margin sign for the entire document or the current section.


·       Orientation:- it is used for switch the page between the portrait and landscape.


·       Size:- you can choose the paper size for the current section.


Column:- word enables you to create columns of equal or unequal width by default a word document has single column and ms word provides you 5 deferent presets (one,two,three,left,right) you can select any one of them at a time . The text divided into multiple columns is called columnar text common example of columnar text can be seen in news papers and magazine.


Watermark:- you can set the watermark in the background of your document.


Page color:-this option is used for set the background color of your document .


Page Border:-a border may be a box around a paragraph, any text, sentence or a table from any one side or around the page.


Paragraph:- paragraph option is used for setting alignment, indent and spacing of your document


Position:-it set the position of the selected object on the page.

Bring to front:-it is used for bring the selected objet in the of all other objects so that no part of it’s hidden behind another object

Send to back:- it is used for set the behind the select object of all other object

Text wrapping:- change the way text wrap around the selected object .


           Reference menu


Table of content:- it show the topics and chapter while index shows the list of word that are used in the file table of content is printed at the starting of your document and index is printed at the end of your document.


Update table:-update the table of content so that all the entries refer to the correct page number.


Insert Footnote:-it is the brief discussion about any word which you have selected it is printed at the bottom of your page number wise. If you point the cursor on that word which is using for the footnote it shows the description.


Insert endnote:- it is the brief discussion about your file or document it is printed at the end of your document.


Next footnote:- it is use for navigating the cursor at the next footnote.


Insert citation:- create a book, journal article or other periodical as the source for a piece of information in the document.


Manage source:- view the list of all sources style in the document.


Caption: - it is the name of the figure, table or any object it is numbered according to its position into the document. 


Mark entry:- include the selected text in the index of document you can insert and update the index of the selected words

Mark citation:- add the selected text as an entry in the table of authorities.

                Mailing menu


Envelops and labels:-It creates an envelops or a single mailing labels or insert the same name and address on an entire sheet of the mailing labels.


 Mail merge: - the mail merge option merge the record of table to the letter, invoice list or different type of document for this you must have a table in which some records will be stored. For example:-if you want to make the letter and send it with different people and different location this is done by the mail merge option. 


Ø Steps: - make a new file

Ø Click on insert menu

Ø Click on table

Ø Select number of row and number of     column

Ø Fill the record into the table and save it

Ø Make a new file(document) and type a letter

Ø Click on mailing menu

Ø Select start mail merge option

Ø Click step by step mail merge wizard

Ø Click on next button 2 times

Ø Click on browse button

Ø Select your file

Ø Click on select all buttonàclick ok

Ø Click on next button

Ø Select more items

Ø Insert the field one by one àClick Close

Ø Click on next button 2 times

Ø Click on edit individual letters

Ø And click on ok button.


                Review menu


Spelling and grammar: - it is used for check and corrects the mistake automatically.

Press F7 from the keyboard.


Research:- it is used for search any file or folder from the disk.


Thesaurus:- you can see the meaning of related words and synonyms of selected words.


Comment: - you can type a notation My blog -image.jpg for any selected word it is the brief definition about any word or sentence.


Track change: - it highlights the changes made in the document and rejected or accepted it if required.


Compare and merge document:- it compares the current document with any document which you have selected it gives you an option to merge the two or displays the differences as mark up.


Protect document:- it is used for protect your document for the other users .if any changes made by other users the changes will highlighted as markup.


                      View menu


Print layout:- it is used to display the contents of your file same like as it will print on the paper but the manual brakes can not be seen on it.


Reading layout: - it will display your file same as note book it means it is an easier way to check your file.


Web layout view: - this file saved in ms word like web page having extension .html the page breaks are not seen on it.


Outline view:- this view shows the out line of your file. Heading and sub headings are displayed by this view .


Draft:- This is text editing view with the help of this view we can see different manual breaks in this view no graphics are seen margins are also hidden by this view.


Ruler: - it is used to show or hide the ruler.


Document map:- it shows the document in two window parts the first window show the heading and their sub heading & the second window at the right side show the details and paragraph of the heading .


Gridlines:- it is used for display the gridlines of the page or it is use to show the page in graph.


Thumbnails:- it same like as document map but here your page displayed in minimized format at the left side of the main document.


Zoom:- Zooming change the magnification of your document the default zoom is 100% and the higher zoom can be up to

500% .Higher zooms are good for overall design checking and the lower zooms are good for detail checking.


New window:- it opens a new window with the same content as the active window so you can view different part of your file at the same time.


 Arrange:- it display all open files in separate windows on the screen. The arrange command make it easier to drag between the files .


Split:- it split the active window into panes or removes the split from the active window.


Switch windows:- it is use to switch to different current open windows .


Macros: - this option is used for record the series of action at the time of your working; it means it makes the separate copy of your file (alt+F8)






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