ms paint notes ( ccc ) by social guide


                MS  Paint


Paint is a drawing tool you can use to create simple or elaborate drawings. These drawings can be either black-and-white or color, and can be saved as bitmap files. You can print your drawing, use it for your desktop background, or paste it into another document. You can even use Paint to view and edit scanned photos.

You can also use Paint to work with pictures, such as .jpeg, .gif, or .bmp files. The extension of ms paint file is .bmp it means it create a bitmap file.

How to start ms paint

v   Click on start menu

v   Select all programs option

v   Select accessories option

v   Click on paint or

v   Press window + R

v   Open  run option à  type ms paint

v   Click ok

There are some menu and tool bars are also available in the ms paint

                           Use of tools

Free from select:- it is used for select the picture/ object in any shape .

Select: - it is used for select picture in regular shape (rectangle or square).

Eraser:- it is used for erase any picture or object.

Fill with color:- it is used for fill the color into the object.

Pick color: - it is used for pick the selected color from any object.

Magnifier: - it is used for change the magnification of the selected object it means it display the object in large or small size.

Pencil: - it is a freehand drawing tool.

Brush: - it is used for make any thick line in your page like wall painting.

Air brush: - it is used for spraying in your page

Text: - it is used for typing anything in your page

Line: - this tool is used for make a straight line in your page.

Curve: - it makes a curve line it means to make a folded line

Rectangle: - it is use for make any rectangular or square shape.

Polygon: - it makes a polygonal shape it means the line which you make by this tool will be end by touching the starting point

Ellipse: - it is used for drawing any circle.

Rounded rectangle: - it makes a rectangle which corners will be in rounded shape.


                              File menu


New: - it is used for create a file .

Ø Steps: - click on file menu

Ø Select new option

Or Press ctrl+N from the keyboard.


Open: - this option is used for open your existing file, it means it is used for open your file which you have saved in the past.

Ø Steps: - click on file menu

Ø Select open option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Select your file name and

Ø Click on open button

Or Press ctrl+O button from the keyboard.


Save:- it is used for save your file in the current directory.

Ø Steps:- .click on file menu

Ø .select save option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type your file name

Ø Click on save button

Or press ctrl+S from the keyboard.


Save as: - it is used for save your file with different name.

Ø Steps:- click on file menu

Ø Select save as option

Ø A dialog box will be displayed

Ø Type your file name (new name )

Ø Click on save button

Or press F12 from the keyboard.


Page setup: - it is used to set the page margin from left right top and bottom.


Print: - it is used for print your file on the paper.

Ø Press ctrl+P from the keyboard.



                        Edit menu


Undo: - it is used to reverse last performed action.

Ø Steps:-click on edit menu

Ø Select undo option

Or Press ctrl+Z from the keyboard.


Cut: - it is used for cut the selected text or sentence or picture.


Ø Steps:-select the text or sentence

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Select cut option

Or Press ctrl+X from the keyboard.


Copy: - it is used for copy the selected text or sentence or picture.

Ø Steps:-select the text or sentence or picture

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Select copy option

    Or Press ctrl+C from the keyboard.


Paste:-it is used for paste the cut/copied text or picture.

Ø Steps:-cut/copy the text or picture

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Select paste option

Or Press ctrl+V from the keyboard.


Clear selection: - it is used for clear the selected object.


Select all: - it is used for select all contents and objects from your page.

Ø Press ctrl+A from the keyboard


Copy to: - it is used for copy or store the selected object into the different directory.

Ø Steps:- select the picture/object

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Select copy to option

Ø Select the location

Ø And click on save button.


Paste from: - it is used for paste the selected object in your file from any drive or directory

Ø Steps:- click on edit menu

Ø Select paste from option

Ø Select the location for the picture

Ø And click on paste  button.


                View menu


Tool box: - it is used for show or hides the tool box. In tool box there are 16 tools are available.


Color box: - it is use for show or hides the color box.

Status bar:-it is used to tell the status of the mouse working .

Text tool bar: - this option is activated when you has selected the text tool from the tool box; it is used to set the font size name of the font and script of the font .

Zoom:-zooming change the magnification of your document / picture. You can show the grid lines of the page using this option.

View bitmap:-it is used for hide all screen elements form the window you can switch back on you previous view by clicking over the page

                     Image menu


Flip/ rotate:- It is used for flip and rotate the picture and selection according to the given angle or your requirement .

Ø Steps: - select the picture or object

Ø Click on image menu

Ø Select flip/rotate option

Ø Select the angle

Ø Click on ok button

Stretch/ skew: - it is use for stretch the picture or selection .

Invert color: - it is used for display the opposite color of the picture or selection for ex: - white become black and red become green.

Attribute: - this option is used for show the size of the canvas where we make the picture or drawing .

Clear image :- it used for clear the image  from the page.

Draw opaque:- it is used for make the object transparent or opaque.

                          Color menu

Edit Color :-  it is used for display more color which you can insert your color box.




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