Internet notes (ccc) by social guide




Internet:-  It is a network of network by which all  over earth are    connected  to each other .

We can also say “it is an ocean of information “

      History of internet

         It was developed by the department of defense (DOD)

          of USA  in 1969.

        Management of internet

        There are two department who manage internet

1.   IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force )

2.   IRTF  ( Internet Research Task Force )


The first internet network who is the seed of the internet is known as  ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency network)

Note:- internet comes in India in 15 AUG 1995.


      Types of network

There are many types of network such as

ü LAN (Local Area Network)

ü MAN( Metro Political  Area network)

ü WAN( Wide Area Network)

ü PAN( Personal Area Network)



LAN is a local area network which is mostly used in office building and school and an organization etc.


WAN is also known as wireless area network which is spread all over earth of data transformation from one place to another place.


        Networking Hardware device

There are many networking hardware device such as

Ø  Bridge

Ø  Gateway

Ø  Router

Ø  Repeater


Ø  NIC (Network Interface Card)

Ø  Modem (modulator demodulator )      


There are two types of signal

1.              Analog signal

2.              Digital signal

Analog signal:- according to this signal it’s have not any fixed frequency limit it will be changed according to environment.

         Digital signal :- according to this signal it have a fixed frequency

          limit that is 0 & 1.

Note:- our computer system understand only 0 & 1.                                                                                              

Note:- modem is use to convert analog signal to digital

 and digital to analog.




Types of communication media


There are three types of communication media 

1. Simplex (radio television )

2. Half duplex (Bluetooth, walkie talkie, HUB  )

3. Full duplex ( video conferencing  , mobile etc)



            It is a way by which we can transmit data from

                 one place to another place.

In computer system there are two types of media.

1.              Guided media

2.              Unguided media

Guided media:- according to this media its have a physical existence to transmit data from one place to another place.

Like wire.


                There are three types of wire

1.              Twisted pair wire

2.              Coaxial cable wire

3.              Fibber optics cable wire.


 Unguided media:- according to this media its have not any                   physical existence to transmit data from one place to another place.

         Ex:- modem ,satellite, microwave , radio  wifi etc.


Internet addressing: -     it is a method by which we can uniquely         identify the computer system or any website which is available

on the internet

        It is divided into two types—

1.              DNS (Domain Name Server/ system)

2.              IP address (Internet Protocol)


DNS: - it is use to uniquely identify the website by server means to



Understand that it describe about website type and field.

Such as:-














IP Address:- it is use to uniquely  identify the computer

system which is connected into a networking .

It is divided into four classes-

Class A - to

Class B - to

Class C - to

Class D - to

Class E - to



ü  Class A ip address is use for a large organization.

ü  Class B ip address is use for a medium size organization

ü  Class C ip address is use for a small size organization ( school office institute an organization etc.).

ü  If we want to know the ip address of our computer system then we type following command on the DOS  (ipconfig).

ü  Web browser:-

ü  it is a medium  by which we can connect our computer system through the internet.

Some web browser are as –

Internet explorer, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, opera mini

, safari browser, etc...


Note: - first graphical web browser is MOSIC which is developed in 1995  for windows xp.



Search engine:-

it is use to  search about any data in the form of multimedia (multimedia is a collection of audio video image etc).


Some search engine are as – , ,, , etc ..


  (Open System Interconnection) OSI LAYER:-  

The open system interconnection is  a conceptual model  that characterizes and standardizes the communication function of telecommunication of computing system.

Layers are—


    7)Application layer

6)Presentation layer

5)Session layer

     4)Transport layer

3)Network layer

2)Data link

1)Physical layer










Note:- protocol is a collection of rules and regulation .


               Types of internet connection:-

There are many types of internet connection which

 is divided by its accessing speed and working such as -

ü Wireless

ü Hotspots

ü Dial up(modem)

ü Broadband

ü DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

ü Cable

ü Satellite

ü ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network)

ü Remote login

ü  Telnet etc...


                 Email (electronic mail):-

  Electronic mail is an electronic message sent / receives from one computer to another computer. it is fast and easy it use . you can send text, picture and sound message across the global with the internet.

                Advantage of email:-

There are some advantages of email such as -

Speed content cost receiving message etc

Email address:-  the first you need to an email address to send or receive an email “ an email address identifies a location to which e-mail message can be delivered.

Note:- email address must be unique .



Features of email:-

Email have some feature such as -

Inbox, draft, sent ,delete , contact compose (write a message ) reply to a message , save a message , forward a message ,save message ,delete message , out box , send or receive , attachments , signature , spam mail.

Note:-  TO , CC (carbon copy ), BCC(blind carbon copy) .                                                                                                                                                                     

CC(carbon copy):- allow you to send the same message several people at the same time.

BCC (blind carbon copy):- allows you to send the same message to several people at the same time without letting them know that who all other have also received the same message.


                 Some social networking site and its developer name:-

Site name


Developer name

 Launch date


Larrypage & sergy brin

4 september 1998



4 februrary 2004


Devid filo & jerry yang

4 january 1994


Jack dorrsey & dicl castolo

15 july 2006

Internet (www)


 Tim berner lee

1 january 1983



Shiva ayyadurani

29 october 1969



Laurek kirtz

3 may 2009



Saber Bhatia

31 july 2012




15 january 2001

You tube


Stven chen,chad hurley & jawed karim

15 december 2005

Rediff mail


Ajit balakrishanan

8 february 1997



Kevin systrom, Mike krieger

6 october 2010


     Pavel durov

14 august 2013


Note:-java language is developed in 1995 by sun micro beem corporation and its developed by james gosling.

Some computer  language such as-

ü Fortran → John backus

ü C language → Dennis Ritchie

ü C++ → Bjarne stroutrup

ü Python → Guido van Rossum

ü Apple → Steiv jobs

ü Microsoft → Bill gates



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